LIVE Facebook Stream

On Tuesday 1st December between 6.30 and 7.00pm we will be going LIVE on Facebook.

The Seeds of Change directors Katherine and Rachael will be online to talk about ‘How horses can help support us ALL when coping with uncertainty’.

In such changing times it’s probably fair to say that we are ALL dealing with uncertainty all of the time. When will we see our families or friends next? Will we still have jobs? What if we or our families contract Covid? How can I support my family better? How can I support myself better? Every individual has these feelings and there is NOBODY who can supply the answers.

Katherine and Rachael will be online to share their experiences and offer an insight into how, during such changing times, horses can offer SO much to enable us to cope.

There will be a chance to ask questions or comment throughout, so please set your timers and JOIN US and if you have questions before hand then message them through and we will try and answer them on the night.

Make sure you LIKE and FOLLOW The Seeds of Change on Facebook to keep up to date with our social activities.

Get INTO THE FIELD with our Virtual Sessions

For those who cannot access our centres for geographical or health reasons we are now able to bring our horses to you…… well, virtually!

Into the Field offers learners the unique opportunity to take our horses into their home, school or family environment at a time and in a way that keeps them in control of every aspect of this totally bespoke programme.

Focused on the specific needs of the individual, Into the Field offers support, transferable learning and progression to young people who are facing challenges in their every day life.

Our virtual sessions run in exactly the same way as our usual 1-1 sessions, only our coach will take learners into the yard, the stable and, of course, the field on their mobile device. Observation and interaction can happen in EXACTLY the same way as if they were there in person.

Into the Field enables so many other young people to access our programmes and benefit from that real impact that horses can have in overcoming challenges to learning and life.

Our sessions are approx 45 mins in duration and are then supplemented with video tutorials or assignments to embed the experience, that can be watched or completed in between sessions.

This programme is for anyone, but may be particularly helpful to those with severe levels of anxiety, who are hospitalised or a long way from our existing centres. It could also be used as part of a homeschooling package for small groups to support personal development and life skills.

For anyone on existing programmes or who lives with a vulnerable adult this can also enable them to access or continue to access support if they are self-isolating or in a restricted bubble.


For more information about the programme and session availability please contact us:

t: 01234 881871

Or download our Into the Field brochure