Celebrating 100% attendance

We were thrilled this week to celebrate the fantastic commitment of our young people. In particular, One Year 10 learner has achieved a phenomenal 100% attendance rate since he started at The Seeds of Change way back in Year 7.  That’s turning up for every one of his sessions come wind, rain, snow or sunshine over the space of three years, and it was great to see him take pride in this awesome achievement.

We’re always impressed by our learners’ willingness to turn up, join in and work outside with the horses whatever the weather. Many of our learners have struggled to attend mainstream education before joining us at The Seeds of Change, which makes this kind of achievement even more impressive. So, it was our pleasure to present a certificate and specially made rosette cake to this young learner to mark this magnificent milestone. Well done and keep up the fantastic work!

County Lines & Child Exploitation Event

7-9pm – 04.04.19 – WOOTTON LOWER SCHOOL
How much do you know about County Lines and how it could affect YOUR Child?
If you would like to learn more about the reality of being a teenager and growing up in our communities right now, then consider attending our ‘County Lines Event’, hosted by Bedfordshire Police and The Seeds of Change UK Ltd.

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