Our Founder:
Katherine Dillon
Counsellor and Life Coach with over forty years experience working with children and families.
“The Centre was built with a purpose and vision. It was also created to honour the memory of my dear sister Jane Dillon who died tragically a week before her 16th birthday after what was a long and painful illness, bravely born. a precious young life cut short.
Jane had a passion for horses and they were a significant part of her earlier life.
I am a Counsellor and Life Coach with over forty years of experience working with children and families.
Having initially trained and qualified as an Equestrian Practitioner, setting up a successful training, educational and recreational Centre in the 80s. My natural style was always more holistic and intuitive and more life experiences began to lead me down a path quite naturally it seems looking back, towards overall Mental health and well-being.
During the last 20 years I have trained and qualified as a psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural (CBT) therapist and more recently trained further in CBT and the Gestalt approaches to fully integrate my Counselling practice with a person-centred approach.
In more recent years I have begun to work with more adults, families and professionals supporting them with a range of issues, low self-worth and confidence, anxiety, depression, PTSD, relationship difficulties, loss and bereavement. life-changing self-worth illness and difficult transitions relating to educational, work and personal barriers.”
Katherine Dillon
Founder and Director
The Seeds of Change

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Our Stories

Working with Children and young people who are facing barriers in their learning and ability to function healthily in what is becoming a very different and fast paced world.
In this beautiful and tranquil environment which provides a safe place for every client ‘just to be’ even for a short while delivering Equine facilitated learning and Therapy. Our unique TSOC approach.
Call 01604 781544 or email enquiries@tsocequine.co.uk