Inside Katherine’s Kitchen – Cooking Together – Healthy Chilli recipe


Director Katherine Dillon demonstrating a simple, healthy recipe to encourage healthy cooking and eating with family and friends. Watch below:
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Chilli Meat and Vegetable /or meat free option to feed 6- 8 people.

This recipe will keep in fridge for 4-5 days.
It can be made into individual portions and frozen.

500g Lean beef mince (For Meat Chilli option)
1-2 onions
2 large sweet or white potatoes
2-3 carrots 2-3 sticks of celery
Half a small cauliflower.

Remember, you can use any vegetables you have in the house really, but the essential ones are onions and garlic! and the potatoes will help give a thick creamy consistency.

4-5 cloves of garlic or (use dried)
Tin of tomatoes or use chopped up fresh ones.
Tin of Black beans (rinsed).
1 Pint Beef or Vegetable stock
Chilli powder to taste
Paprika, Cumin,Tummerick (1 large tsp each) (All optional but really help your health and add to the taste)
Salt and pepper to taste.

Heat a little oil of your choice in a large pan, (About 2 tblsp) add the mince(If you are doing the meat option) Seal and brown the mince.
Remove from pan and put to one side.

Add all the vegetables that you have prepared (chopped into the size you want) into the pan with a little more oil, again just to seal in the flavours. Add the spices and herbs to ensure their flavour comes through.  You only need to slightly soften the vegetables, before adding the tomatoes,rinsed beans and stock(Use a vegetable stock cube if you are doing a meat free Chilli.

Season to taste with salt and pepper and bring to the boil, then simmer for around 45 minutes.

Taste to check flavour is how you want it to be. It is always better to add more than take away!

The Chilli should have thick and rich consistency when cooked through. If it is too thick, simply add some boiled water.

If you want the dish to feed even more people, simply chop some more of your chosen vegetables, cook separately in a saucepan until nearly cooked/drain and add to the Chilli…Simple!

Enjoy and remember, preparing and sharing nice food is the greatest way of showing gratitude, love and care for others,whilst looking after yourself too.


Inside Katherine’s Kitchen – natural remedies – Tumeric, Garlic and Linseed


Director Katherine Dillon, delivering you information on diet, nutrition and the benefits that natural substances have for our equine partners.
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Watch her latest film here Inside Katherine’s Kitchen