Lockdown feedback from learners

Recently we’ve been collecting some feedback from learners about their Covid support from The Seeds of Change over the past few weeks. This was to gauge what we had done well and the benefits that our learners felt and also what we could have done better. As much as we can tell you about our work in our words, we think that the learners say it best themselves…

What has made you attend TSOC during lockdown?

“To become friends with the people and the horses so that they don’t feel lonely and so that I don’t feel lonely.”

What has been most helpful for you when attending TSOC?

“Feeding the sheep and health checking the chickens. It makes me feel happy to know that they are all ok and happy and have a good time here too. I don’t think they get as much attention as the horses so I want them to feel equal and have the same amount of love.”

What have you gained from attending TSOC?

“Family and friends in the animals and coach.”

“I have gained happiness every time I come here because I love all of the things that we do.”

What else could we do to support you more over the last few months?

“No. I think you have done enough. I think you always try and give me lots of support, this always makes me feel happy.”

Feedback from learners attending during lockdown:

“It’s been good to escape home.”

“I feel lucky to still be coming.”

“Pleased to get out the care home and have seen my friends and Tommy.”

“Yeah it’s been alright.”

Feedback on attendance at TSOC during lockdown:

“I’ve missed being here.”

“I was really bored in half-term, coming here gives me something to focus on.”