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The majority of our work at The Seeds of Change is delivered through bespoke 1:1 Programmes tailored to each learner’s needs.


The majority of our work at The Seeds of Change is delivered through bespoke 1:1 Programmes tailored to each learner’s needs.

TSOC Acorns only

1.1 Sessions

The majority of our work at The Seeds of Change is delivered through bespoke 1:1 Programmes tailored to each learner’s needs. Clients are matched to one of our highly experienced and specialist EFL-trained coaches, working 1:1 for 75 minute- or 2.5 hour-long sessions. These usually take place once or twice a week for a minimum block of 6 sessions, 12 sessions, or an academic year.

Each 1:1 programme is developed in response to the learners’ needs identified by referring bodies, completion of a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and blended with our own Foundation Programme materials and approaches. Each session is facilitated in a way that enables learners to build self-awareness and personal development at their own pace, consolidating prior learning and applying new skills as they work towards defined objectives and impact measures.

By working with the horses, learners explore areas such as building confidence and self-esteem, communication skills, understanding emotions, developing strategies to respond to challenges, or building and maintaining relationships. The presence of the horse gives learners in-the-moment feedback on how they’re managing these personal development areas, while the coach draws out learning through carefully considered activities, questions, discussion and reflection. In each session, learners are encouraged to consider how the skills, qualities or approaches they’ve practised with the horses can be transferred to other contexts of their personal, school or professional life. For example, a horse will respond differently to a learner’s request for them to walk round an obstacle, depending on how the request is delivered. By trying different ways of encouraging the horse to move, learners can reflect on how they engage with others, exploring ways of expressing their own needs and preferences in a way that maintains positive interactions and relationships

Group Sessions

At The Seeds of Change, we know that self-awareness goes hand-in-hand with how we relate to others. Social and communication skills, teamwork and building relationships are integral to our 1:1 programmes, but there are times when learners can be best supported through more direct interaction with peers. In these cases, we offer carefully structured, bespoke programmes where learners mutually benefit from working in a small group context.

Experience shows us that for most learners, the best progression pathway from a 1:1 programme is initially to work alongside another 1:1 learner and coach. This allows them to work closely with a peer but with the option of stepping back and reflecting with their own coach when needed. This is particularly beneficial for learners who tend to withdraw from learning due to social anxiety, for example, or those for whom managing frustration is more challenging when working with others.

Through this flexible approach, coaches can assess the most timely opportunities and who would be well suited to working together, enabling learners to build the confidence and skills needed for a successful transition into group learning. We’ve found working 1:1 – 2:2 then Small Group allows learners to practise working with others in a way that feels supported and has the best long-term outcomes for engaging with learning in wider contexts too.

Group programmes are developed in partnership with referring bodies, specifically considering each learner’s needs as well as those of the group as a whole. We are always happy to discuss how we can best meet your learners’ needs, with groups sometimes formed entirely from one school, for example, or with carefully matched learners joining a group formed from a range of referrers. Do give us a call to see how we can support progression pathways for your learners as we are always open to thinking outside the box and finding new ways of working to meet learners’ diverse needs.

We do offer City and Guilds qualification to young people, please ask the team for more information.

city and guilds

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Our Stories

Looked after children come from different backgrounds with varied experiences of care, with each child having their own specific needs..

Working with Children and young people who are facing barriers in their learning and ability to function healthily in what is becoming a very different and fast paced world.


little acorn farm photo of the sign

All of  our recent announcements can be read here on The Seeds of Change Blog.

How To Refer

Meet the team at The Seeds of Change

We have worked with over 6000 Individuals who have either self or been referred to us by Parents, Carers, Hospitals, Colleges and Schools for a range of presenting issues and concerns.