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Our Animals

TSOC Acorns only

Meet the TSOC Co Coaching Team

Equine facilitated therapeutic learning is a holistic, task orientated, problem solving and solution focused approach. 

An alternative form of learning, enabling the development and growth of self awareness and responsibility, leading to feelings of greater self worth,esteem and confidence.

Our unique TSOC approach involves  working with your support coach, in collaboration with a horse or pony within a safe,nurtering and containing natural outdoor environment.

Other benefits include the ability to;

  • Develop effective communication and social skills.
  • Develop and maintain healthier interpersonal human relationships.
  • Improve resilience
  • Develop empathy and ability to care and connect with self and others.
  • Helps to identify, express feelings, thoughts and emotions, 
  • Learning to notice how negative thoughts can affect patterns of unhelpful behaviours. 
  • Reduces anxiety and stress-helping to improve over all well being and physical/psycholoical health.