Social context

NB Names altered for anonymity


Ethan is able to spend more time in school and has increased engagement in lessons
Ethan is now able to take ownership of his session
Ethan has learned coping mechanisms that he has been able to transfer to school
Mum has feedback that the time with TSOC has helped, and she would like school to increase the length of his session.

Children with ADHD have lots of energy, difficulty concentrating and poor impulse control
This can affect peer and family relationships which lead to poor self-esteem, school isolation, depression and increased family stress. ADHD can leave a young person feeling out of control.
This conduct makes young people more vulnerable to being misled by others into risk talking behaviour often resulting in increased contact with the criminal justice system.


Feedback from school
Thank you for another lovely report. I have spoken to the behaviour provision where Ethan attends and they have fed back really positive news. He attended the afternoon session following your session for the first time this week and has been going to English and Maths for the first time in a very long time! They have said that he says he is really enjoying his time with you.
With that in mind, are we in a position to confirm a second block of 6 weeks, with the targets kept the same for now?

Background to case

Ethan is a year 5 boy who attend a behaviour provision. He has ADHD for which he takes medication and an EHCP in place. His violent and aggressive behaviour, inability to control his emotions and actions when stressed and poor attendance has made him at risk of exclusion.

Ethan is an active learner who likes practical tasks, arts and crafts and loves being with the animals. He is open and honest and has a great sense of humour.

Process at The Seeds of Change

From the start of the programme there was no violence or aggression displayed in this new environment and he avoided eye contact when challenged. It was evident the impact his family, especially his brother has on him.

Ethan has benefitted from the non-judgemental environment that allowed him to talk through his feelings and thoughts about different situations. He is very aware of the expectations and understands of the importance of keeping safe and has also grasped transferrable learning quite quickly, recently sharing with coach that during the programme he has ‘Found out that I am kind and helpful’
Ethan has huge engagement with the animals, and he has shared that his favourite things have been spending time with the horses and rabbits.

The other young people on site affected his behaviour and energy levels so the 1-1 programme worked well for him. More recently he worked in similar working spaces to other learners and has managed to regulate his behaviour. When working with another boy, he was able to take turns and give out praise. He appeared to understand the emotions of those in his company and if required adapted his energy to maintain the conversation.